Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Noteworthy Day

Today was noteworthy for several reasons...It was the first day of the new semester with my super cool new T/TH only 9:30-3:30pm schedule. So far the classes seem fine- Human Use of the Earth, Greek Archaeology, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, and American and Texan Government. Sounds like a blow-off schedule, but they are all requirements for me to graduate and they will all be valuable one way or the other!

Today was also Inauguration Day- here's to potential change. Let's see what he can do. Good luck, Mr. Obama!

In other news, I got my UCI license! Big deal for me. Now I just have to keep working hard so I get to use it ;-) Extra motivation I'd say! The last few months have been not quite what I expected, but in the best possible way :-)
Peter and I bought "Texercise" passes, so we'll be getting up early for "Early Morning Hatha Flow Yoga." Super excited :-)

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